Handling changes and cancellations

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  • Handling cancellation fees and commission
  • Cancelling a reservation for your guest
  • Can I cancel a reservation?

Handling cancellation fees and commission

Commission is charged on all confirmed stays, non-refundable bookings, and partially refundable bookings, irrespective of whether the guest actually stayed at your property or not. However, there are some exceptions where commission does not need to be paid. To assist you further, we have developed a tool that automatically accepts free cancellation requests made by guests within a timeframe chosen by you.

Cancelling a reservation for your guest

Once your profile has been approved by the administration, you can start further steps:

  1. Set up your profile: After choosing a Package and approving your account, you will need to set up your profile. This involves providing a description of your services, your experience and qualifications, and any other relevant information that will help customers make an informed decision.

  2. Add your services: Once your profile is set up, you can start adding your services to the platform. This typically involves providing a title, description, and pricing information for each service.
  3. Upload photos and videos: To make your services more appealing to potential customers, you should consider uploading high-quality photos and videos that showcase your work.
  4. Set your availability: You will also need to set your availability so that customers know when you are available to provide your services.
  5. Publish your services: After completing all the necessary steps, you can publish your services on the platform. From there, potential customers can browse your services, book appointments, and leave reviews.

Can I cancel a reservation?

Once your profile has been approved by the administration, you can start further steps:

  1. Set up your profile: After choosing a Package and approving your account, you will need to set up your profile. This involves providing a description of your services, your experience and qualifications, and any other relevant information that will help customers make an informed decision.

  2. Add your services: Once your profile is set up, you can start adding your services to the platform. This typically involves providing a title, description, and pricing information for each service.
  3. Upload photos and videos: To make your services more appealing to potential customers, you should consider uploading high-quality photos and videos that showcase your work.
  4. Set your availability: You will also need to set your availability so that customers know when you are available to provide your services.
  5. Publish your services: After completing all the necessary steps, you can publish your services on the platform. From there, potential customers can browse your services, book appointments, and leave reviews.